Utrecht Open Chess Championships 2011

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In 2011 chess club Paul Keres will organise the Utrecht Open Chess Championships (OKU) for the 38th time. The tournament will be held from June 3 to 5, 2011. The OKU will again be played at the Nationaal Denksportcentrum Den Hommel, Kennedylaan 9, in Utrecht (+31-30-2759988).
Players will be divided into three groups according to FIDE- or national ELO-rating. Players with a rating of 1800 or higher may play in group A, players with a rating between 1500 and 1900 may play in group B and players with a rating below 1600 may play in group C. The organisation may deviate from these rules in exceptional cases. All groups will play a six rounds Swiss tournament following the FIDE-regulations.
The rate of play will be all moves in 115 minutes + 5 seconds added time per move. Smoking is prohibited in the playing area.
It is possible to get one or more byes. However, people taking two or more byes during the tournament or bye in round 5 or 6 are excluded from winning prizes. A bye counted as a half point. Bye-requests must be communicated to the organisation before the tournament starts.
All results will be communicated to the Dutch chess federation, but not to the FIDE.
Friday June 3, 201118.30 - 19.15 Registration
 19.15 - 19.30Opening
 19.30 - 23.30Round 1
Saturday June 4, 201109.15 - 13.15Round 2
 14.15 - 18.15Round 3
 19.30 - 23.30Round 4
Sunday June 5, 201109.15 - 13.15Round 5
 14.15 - 18.15Round 6
 18.45 - 19.30Prize and award ceremony
Prize Group A Group B Group C
1st € 900 € 250 € 130
2nd € 550 € 150 € 80
3rd € 325 € 90 € 50
4th € 175 € 60 € 30
5th € 100 € 50  
6th € 80 € 40  
7th € 60 € 30  
8th € 40    
If a tie occurs, prizes are split.
Rating prizes
There will also be four rating prizes of € 40 each for the best players with a rating below 2200 and 2000 in group A, below 1700 in group B and below 1400 in group C.
The entry fee of the tournament will be:
Group A: € 30 (€ 15 for FM, free for IM and GM)
Group B: € 25
Group C: € 25
Payment on registration at the tournament hall. Entry by e-mail: oku2011@paulkeres.nl or after May 24th by phone to Youri Gerritse, +31-43020598. On entry, please give your name, full address, date of birth, club and Elo-rating (KNSB and/or FIDE). Also indicate whether you wish to receive a bye in one of the first four rounds, and which group you will play in.
The OKU will be held at the Nationaal Denksportcentrum Den Hommel: Nationaal Denksportcentrum Den Hommel
Kennedylaan 9
3533 KH Utrecht
Phone number +31-30-2759988

Public transport
From train station Utrecht Centraal:
- take the tram (direction Nieuwegein-Zuid or IJsselstein) to Hospital Oudenrijn ("24 Oktoberplein-Zuid"). Walk back to the roundabout and go straight ahead (Pijperlaan). Take the first street on the left (Bizetlaan) and follow to the end. The Nationaal Denksportcentrum is at the end of the street, past the swimming pool;
- or take bus number 5 in direction Kanaleneiland. Get out at swimming pool Den Hommel ("Zwembad Den Hommel") and follow the road past the swimming pool;
- or take bus number 7 in direction Kanaleneiland-Zuid. Get out at Beneluxlaan/Ziekenhuis Oudenrijn (hospital). Then follow the same instructions as if you were leaving the tram (see above).
Take exit 8 (Utrecht/De Meern) from the A2 and follow the signs Utrecht/Jaarbeurs. After passing the canal go left at the roundabout (Pijperlaan) and left again quickly (Bizetlaan). Follow to the end of the street. The Nationaal Denksportcentrum is at the end of the street past the swimming pool.

Information about accomodation can be obtained from the VVV-Utrecht, Vredenburg 90, Utrecht, telephone 0900-1288732 (www.utrechtyourway.nl). The IBIS hotel is closest to the playing venue.
1974: Peter Monte
1975: Anton v.d. Weij
1976: Anton Rosmüller
1977: IM Bruno Carlier
1978: IM Frans Borm
1979: IM Bruno Carlier
1980: IM Herman Grooten
1981: IM Bert Enklaar
1982: FM Han Janssen
1983: Jan Voormans
1984: IM Frans Cuijpers
1985: IM Jeroen Vanheste
1986: IM Liafbern Riemersma
1987: FM Han Janssen
1988: IM Frans Cuijpers
1989: IM Johan van Mil
1990: IM Bernd Schneider
1991: IM Rini Kuyf
1992: GM Roberto Cifuentes
1993: FM Juri Vetemaa
1994: GM Igor Glek
1995: Martin Roobol
1996: GM Alex Wojtkiewicz
1997: IM Erik v.d. Doel
1998: IM Evgeny Ragozin
1999: GM Igor Glek
2000: GM Alexander Dgebuadze
2001: Erwin l'Ami
2002: GM Normunds Miezis
2003: GM Vladimir Epishin
2004: GM Vladimir Epishin
2005: GM Erwin l'Ami
2006: GM Vyacheslav Ikonnikov
2007: GM Slavko Cicak
2008: GM Friso Nijboer
2009: GM Friso Nijboer
2010: GM Vyacheslav Ikonnikov
